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 24 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Henry Gilbert"Advanced Search
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'Young Percival Questions Sir Owen', 1911.  Artist: Walter Crane.
'Percival Obtains the Shield of the Beating Heart', 1911.  Artist: Walter Crane.
'Arthur Draws the Sword from the Stone', 1911.  Artist: Walter Crane.
'Young Owen Appeals to the King', 1911.  Artist: Walter Crane.
'Sir Lancelot in the Chapel Perilous', 1911.  Artist: Walter Crane.
'Sir Bedivere casts the sword Excalibur into the Lake', 1911.  Artist: Walter Crane.
'King Arthur asks the Lady of the Lake for the sword Excalibur', 1911.  Artist: Walter Crane.
'Sir Galahad is brought to the Court of King Arthur', 1911.  Artist: Walter Crane.
'Sir Owen Greets the Lady of the Fountain', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'The Death Journey of the Lily Maid of Astolat', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'King Arthur asks the Lady of the Lake for the sword Excalibur', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'The Witch gives Advice as to Sir Tristram's Wound', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Sir Geraint and the Lady Enid in the Deserted Roman Town', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Arthur Draws the Sword from the Stone', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Young Owen Appeals to the King', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Sir Lancelot in the Chapel Perilous', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Sir Bedivere casts the sword Excalibur into the Lake', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Sir Galahad is brought to the Court of King Arthur', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Sir Lancelot forbids Sir Bors to Slay the King', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'The Death of Sir Lancelot', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Young Percival Questions Sir Owen', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Percival Obtains the Shield of the Beating Heart', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'Beaumains Wins the Fight at the Ford', 1911. Artist: Unknown
'The Fight in the Queen's Ante-Chamber', 1911. Artist: Unknown